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OMHRP Meeting: QPR Suicide Prevention Training

Lori Wharton, Certified QPR Gatekeeper Trainer with the Mental Health Association of Oklahoma will be providing QPR suicide prevention training.


  • QPR stands for Question, Persuade and Refer -- three simple steps anyone can take to help save a life from suicide

  • QPR is often referred to as the mental health version of CPR

  • The training was developed by the QPR Institute, and is listed on  SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices

  • The course is taught by a Certified QPR Gatekeeper Trainer

  • Participants learn:

    • Warning signs and risk factors for suicide

    • How to approach someone and have a conversation about your concerns

    • How to persuade someone to seek help

    • Referral resources

    • Strategies for limiting access to lethal means

  • 99% of those who take QPR tell us they would refer the training to others

  • Over 50% who report they have taken QPR previously, tell us they have utilized the technique


  • It's FREE -- No charge to host a training, and no charge for attendees to participate.

  • All attendees receive a QPR booklet which summarizes the technique and includes a wallet card for easy reference. Referral resources and additional materials are also shared.

Trainings are open to anyone 18 or older.